自伟德平台怎么样于2010年3月成立以來,學院領導高度重視科研工作,要求教師兼備優質教學和科研創新的責任,緊緊把握學術前沿,積極開展科研工作,取得了顯著成效。截至2014年9月,學院教師已在《European Economic Review》、《Journal of Comparative Economics》、《China Economic Review》、《Economics Letters》、《The Economics of Transition》、《Journal of Economic Inequality》等SSCI收錄的國際期刊發表論文14篇,以及國内權威期刊如《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、《世界經濟》、《經濟學(季刊)》等發表高水平研究論文近30篇。
1. Lin,Faqin,"Trade, income and Baltic Dry Index",European Economic Review(SSCI), 2013, 59: 1-18. (First author)
2. Lin, Faqin, "Are distance effect really a puzzle?",Economic Modeling(SSCI), 2013, 31: 684-689. (First author)
3. Lin, Faqin, " Deaths of distance and the distance puzzle ",Economic Letters(SSCI), 2012, 116(2): 225-228. (First author)
4. Lin, Faqin, " Do more highly educated entrepreneurs matter?",Asian-Pacific Economic Literature(SSCI), 2013, 27(2): 104-116. (First author)
5. Lin, Faqin," The vertical spillover effects of multinationals on Chinese domestic firms via supplier-customer relationships ",China and World Economy(SSCI), 2013, 21(6): 37-57. (First author)
6. Lin, Faqin and Bing Li, " Trade and government size of small developing countries: An instrumental approach ",Economics of Transition(SSCI), 2014, forthcoming. (First author and second author)
7. Lin, Faqin, "Estimating the effect of the internet on international trade ",Journal of International Trade and Economic Development(SSCI), 2014, forthcoming.
8. Lin, Faqin, “Baltic Dry Index and democratic window of opportunity”,Journal of Comparative Economics(SSCI), 2014, 41(2):143-159. (First author)
9. Fu, Dahai, "Export wage premium in China's manufacturing sector: A firm level analysis ",China Economic Review(SSCI), 2013, 26: 182-196. (First author)
10. Fu, Dahai, "Foreign entry and profitability of domestic Firms: Evidence from China ", Asian Economic Papers(SSCI), 2013, 12(2): 34-60. (First author)
11. Fu, Dahai,"Export survival pattern and its determinants: An empirical study of China's manufacturing firms ",Asian-Pacific Economic Literature(SSCI), 2014, 28(1): 161-177. (First author)
12. Fu, Dahai,"Measuring income inequality using survey data: the case of China ",Journal of Economic Inequality(SSCI), 2014, forthcoming. (Second and corresponding author)
13. Huo, Da, " Cluster analysis of market potential in emerging markets: A dynamic research based on Markov chain ",Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting(SSCI), 2013, 16(4): 218-231. (First author)
14. Huo, Da, "Position unmanned aerial vehicles in the mobile Ad Hoc network",Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems(SCI), 2014, 74(1):455-464. (Second author)
15. Zhou, Mohan, "R&D, offshoring, and slicing along a global production chain ",Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics(SSCI), 2014, 21(1): 18-34. (Second and corresponding author)
16. 梅冬州,“黨代會召開、監察力度變化與中國經濟波動”,《經濟研究》2014年第3期。(第一作者)(TheNational Congress of China's Communist Party, government official administration and China's economic fluctuation,Economic Research Journal, 2014.3)
17. 梅冬州,“貨币升值與貿易順差:基于金融加速器效應的研究”,《世界經濟》2013年第4期。(Currency appreciation and trade surplus,World Economy, 2013.4)
18. 梅冬州,“經常賬戶調整的福利損失”,《管理世界》2012年第4期。(第一作者)(The welfare loss of current account adjustment,Management World, 2012.4)
19. 梅冬州,“開放真的導緻政府規模更大嗎?”,《經濟學(季刊)》2012年第1期。(第一作者)(Do more open economies have bigger governments?China Economic Quarterly, 2012.1)
20. 張豔、唐宜紅、周默涵,“服務貿易自由化是否提高了制造業企業生産率?”《世界經濟》2013年第11期。(Does services trade liberalization promote the productivity of manufactured firms?World Economy, 2013.11)
21. 張曉濤,“我國出口産品遭受反補貼措施原因的實證分析-以美國為例”,《管理世界》2012年第2期。(獨立作者)(A Case study on reasons for China's export products suffering from anti-subsidy measures: Taking America as an example,Management World,2012.2 )
22. 周世民,“中國國内市場整合程度的演變:基于要素價格均等化的分析”,《世界經濟》2013年第1期。(第三作者)(Is China Going towards a Unified Market? World Economy, 2013.1)
23. 周世民,“中國企業出口持續時間及其決定因素”,《經濟研究》2012年第7期。(第三作者)(The duration of firm-destination export relationships: EvidencefromChina, Economic Research Journal, 2012.7)
24. 周世民,“貿易成本、企業出口動态與出口增長的二元邊際”,《經濟學(季刊)》2012年第4期。(第三作者)(Trade costs, export dynamics, and dual margins of export growth: Evidence from China's micro-level export firms data (2000-2005),China Economic Quarterly, 2012.4)
25. 孫瑾,“中國對外開放、産業結構與綠色經濟增長”,《管理世界》2014年第6期。(第一作者)(China's openness, industrial structure, and regional green economic growth,Management World, 2014.6)
26. 胡翠,“中國制造業企業集聚的行業間垂直溢出效應研究”,《世界經濟》2014年第9期。(第一作者)(A study on vertical spillover effect of agglomeration in China's manufacturing sectors,World Economy, 2014.9)
27. 胡翠,“人口老齡化對儲蓄率影響的實證研究”,《經濟學(季刊)》2014年第4期。(第一作者)(Population ageing andsaving rate: Evidence from China,China Economic Quarterly, 2014.4)
28. 沈琪、周世民,“進口關稅減免與企業全要素生産率:來自中國的微觀證據”,《管理世界》2014年第9期(Import tariff reduction and the total factor productivity of enterprise: Evidence from China,Management World, 2014.9)