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    4月18日,Jo Van Biesebroeck(University of Leuven)

    【 發布日期:2018-04-17 】

    講座時間:2018年4月18日(周三)3:00-4:30 pm


    主講人:Jo Van Biesebroeck(University of Leuven)

    講座題目:Comparative Advantage in Routine Production or How to estimate production using firm level data

    摘要:We pin down a new mechanism behind comparative advantage by pointing out that countries differ in their ability to adjust to technological change. We take stock of the pattern extensively documented in the labor literature whereby more efficient machines displace workers from codifiable (routine) tasks. Our hypothesis is that labor reallocation across tasks is subject to frictions and that these frictions are country-specific. We incorporate task routineness into a canonical 2-by-2-by-2 Heckscher-Ohlin model. The key feature of our model is that factor endowments are determined by the equilibrium allocation of labor to routine and non routine tasks. Our model predicts that countries which facilitate labor reallocation across tasks become relatively abundant in non routine labor and specialize in goods that use non routine labor more intensively. We document that the ranking of countries with respect to the routine intensity of their exports is strongly connected to two institutional aspects: labor market institutions and behavioral norms in the workplace.

    主講人簡介:Jo Van Biesebroeck教授是比利時Leuven大學經濟系的GrewoonHoogleraar教授和CEPR研究員,研究領域涵蓋産業組織、國際貿易和發展經濟學。主要研究成果發表在American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association等頂級期刊上。現任Review of World Economy副主編、World Bank Economic Review編委會成員。


    版權所有 伟德平台怎么样 - 百度百科       地點:北京市昌平區沙河高教園區學院13号樓        郵編:102206 電話:61776210、61776220
