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    Technical regulations, consumer acknowledgement and product quality

    【 發布日期:2023-06-11 】

    講座主題:Technical regulations, consumer acknowledgement and product quality


    主 持 人:張曉濤 教授 院長

    評 論 人:劉 悅 副教授



    主 辦:伟德平台怎么样

    摘要:We examine whether technical regulations (TRs) can improve product quality and be recognized by consumers. Theoretically, TRs impose opposite effects on the quality of export products, via consumer utility and production cost respectively; and the institutional quality of the importing countries may enhance the effect on consumer utility and lower that on production costs. We then test the theoretical model using Chinese data, and confirm our predictions. The effects exhibit large variations due to differences in many aspects, in particular: TRs of low-income countries induce Chinese firms to upgrade export quality significantly, while those of high-income countries do the opposite; Institutional quality weakens (enhances) TR's negative (positive) effect on product quality. Regarding GVC position, for capital goods & intermediate products, TRs have a stronger effect on production costs than on consumer utility, but the opposite is true for food and textiles.


    趙來勳,日本神戶大學經濟經營研究所教授。本科畢業于中國人民大學,碩士及博士畢業于美國弗洛裡達大學。趙來勳教授的研究領域十分廣泛,主要包括國際經濟學、研發創新及經濟增長、環境經濟學、勞工移動、中國經濟特别是戶籍制度等。趙來勳教授研究成果豐碩,在包括Journal of International Economics、Journal of Labor Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics & Management、Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control、Journal of Mathematical Economics等國際一流期刊上發表文章十幾篇。 2011年,日本國際經濟學會向趙來勳教授頒發小島清獎以表彰他的學術貢獻,趙來勳教授是迄今為止唯一獲此殊榮的非日本人。此外,趙來勳教授目前擔任經濟學一流期刊Journal of International Trade & Economic Development的共同主編以及Japanese Accounting Review的主編,并擔任多種國際一流期刊的匿名審稿人和多個研究基金的匿名評審員。趙來勳教授撰寫的有關中日關系的時政評論文章曾多次發表在《南華早報》和《新京報》,他的作品被《大公報》《歐洲時報》《參考消息》《共識網》等知名國際媒體多次轉載。

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