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    The Gravity and Washington Apples Effects in Trade in a Digital World: Evidence from US Movie Exports

    【 發布日期:2023-09-26 】


    講座主題:The Gravity and Washington Apples Effects inTrade in a Digital World: Evidence from US Movie Exports


    時 間:2023年9月27日(周三)15:30-17:30

    地 點:沙河校區二教305



    主 辦:伟德平台怎么样


    How do the gravity and Washington Apples effects in trade evolve in the digital era? We study the digitization impact on US movie exports. We find digitization reduces the gravity effect: A one-standard-deviation increase in digitizationreduces the distance elasticity from -0.46 to -0.40. Interestingly, it weakens theWashington Apples effect: The average gap in distance elasticities between topand bottom quality movies (those at the 10th and 90th percentiles of IMDb ratings) is 0.240; a one-standard-deviation digitization increase reduces this gap by0.11. Our results are robust to alternative measures of digitization and quality.


    樊海潮,複旦大學經濟學院教授,博導,國家級青年人才,複旦大學世界經濟研究所副所長。學術成果發表在Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics,《經濟研究》、《管理世界》等國内外學術期刊上。已有研究在google學術搜索中共獲得1800多次引用。部分研究成果被美國經濟研究局(NBER)推介,并入選經濟學與商學全球前1% ESI高引論文。現任Journal of Economic Survey、Economic Modelling、Review of International Economics副主編,世界經濟文彙責任編輯,以及多個雜志的特刊主編。

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