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【 發布日期:2011-04-11 】

學院高度重視科研工作,要求教師兼備優質教學和科研創新的責任,緊緊把握學術前沿,積極開展科研工作,取得了顯著成效。截至2016年底,學院教師已在European Economic Review、Journal of Comparative Economics、Canadian Journal of Economics、Economics Letters、The Economics of Transition、World Development、China Economic Review、Ecological Economics等SSCI收錄的國際期刊發表論文34篇,以及國内權威期刊如《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、《世界經濟》、《經濟學(季刊)》等發表高水平研究論文近30篇。


代表性英文論文發表 (Representative publication in English)

1.Duan Yuwan, “Temporal change of China’s pollution terms of trade and its determinants”, Ecological Economics (SSCI), 2017, 132:31-44.(First author)

2.Fu Dahai, "Export wage premium in China's manufacturing sector: A firm level analysis", China Economic Review (SSCI), 2013, 26: 182-196. (First author)

3.Hu Cui, "Agglomeration and productivity in China: Firm level evidence", China Economic Review(SSCI), 2015, 79(3): 295-319. (First author)

4.Hu Cui and Lin Faqin, "Learning from exporting in China: A firm-specific instrument approach", Economics of Transition(SSCI), 2016, 24(2): 299-334. (First author and second author)

5.Hu Cui and Lin Faqin, "Product standards and export quality: Micro evidence from China", Economics Letters (SSCI), 2016, 145: 274-277. (First author and second author)

6.Hu, Cui, “Export spillovers and export performance in China”, China Economic Review, 2016, 41: 75-89. (First author)

7.Hu, Cui, “Product differentiation, export participation and productivity growth: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms”, China Economic Review, 2016, 41: 234-252. (First author)

8.Lin, Faqin, "Deaths of distance and the distance puzzle ", Economics Letters (SSCI), 2012, 116(2): 225-228. (First author)

9.Lin Faqin,"Trade, income and baltic dry index", European Economic Review (SSCI), 2013, 59: 1-18. (First author)

10.Lin, Faqin, "Baltic Dry Index and democratic window of opportunity", Journal of Comparative Economics (SSCI), 2014, 41(2):143-159. (First author)

11.Lin Faqin and Li Bing, "Trade openness and government size of small developing countries: An instrumental approach ", Economics of Transition (SSCI), 2014, 22(4): 783-808. (First author and second author)

12.Lin Faqin, "Learning by exporting effect in China revisited: An instrumental Approach", China Economic Review (SSCI), 2015, 36: 1-13.

13.Lin Faqin, "Exports, HIV incidence and the Baltic Dry Index: Further evidence from sub-Saharan Africa", Economics Letters (SSCI), 2015, 126(1), 35-39. (First author)

14.Lin Faqin and Fu Dahai, "Trade, institution quality and income inequality ", World Development(SSCI), 2016, (77):129-142. (First author and second author)

15.Liu Yue, "Price dispersion across countries and the heterogeneous impacts of income differences", Economics Letters(SSCI), 2016, 140: 64-67.

16.Zhou Mohan and Lin Faqin, "Remote markets as shelters for local distortions: Evidence from China", China Economic Review (SSCI), 2016, 40: 241-253.(First and second author)

17.Zhou Mohan, "Who invest more in advanced abatement technology: theory and evidence", Canadian Journal of Economics(SSCI),2016, 49(2).(Third author)

18.Zhou Mohan, "SOE preference and credit misallocation: A model and some evidence from China", Economics Letters (SSCI),2016, 138: 38-41. (Third author)

代表性中文論文發表(Representative publication in Chinese )

1.胡翠,“中國制造業企業集聚的行業間垂直溢出效應研究”,《世界經濟》2014年第9期。(第一作者)(“A study on vertical spillover effect of agglomeration in China's manufacturing sectors”, World Economy, 2014.9)

2.胡翠,“人口老齡化對儲蓄率影響的實證研究”,《經濟學(季刊)》2014年第4期。(第一作者)(“Population ageing and saving rate: Evidence from China”, China Economic Quarterly, 2014.4)

3.胡翠,林發勤,唐宜紅,“基于‘貿易引緻學習’的出口獲益研究”,《經濟研究》2015年第3期。(“The research on the gains from exporting: Trade induced learning perspective”, Economic Research Journal, 2015.3)

4.符大海,“貿易自由化與中國産業升級:事實與機制”,《世界經濟》2016年第10期(通訊作者、第三作者)。(“Trade liberalization and industrial upgrading in China: Facts and mechanisms”, World Economy, 2016.10 )

5.李兵,“人口結構是怎樣影響經常賬戶不平衡的?——以第二次世界大戰為工具變量的經驗證據”,《經濟研究》,2015年第10期。(第一作者)(“How does demographic structure affect current account imbalance? Empirical evidence from the instrumental variable estimation of WWII”, Economic Research Journal, 2015.10 )

6.李兵,“出口與企業自主技術創新:來自企業專利數據的經驗證據”,《世界經濟》2016年第12期。(第一作者)(“Export and innovation: Empirical evidence from patent data at firm level”, World Economy, 2016.12)

7.李兵,“互聯網與企業出口:來自中國工業企業的微觀經驗證據”,《世界經濟》(接受待發)。(“Internet and Exports: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms”, World Economy, forthcoming)

8.林發勤,“反傾銷對中國出口的抑制效應探究”,《世界經濟》2015年第5期(第三作者)。(“Research on the inhibitory effect of anti-dumping to China’s export”, World Economy, 2015.5)

9.梅冬州,“黨代會召開、監察力度變化與中國經濟波動”,《經濟研究》2014年第3期。(第一作者)(“The National Congress of China's Communist Party, government official administration and China's economic fluctuation”, Economic Research Journal, 2014.3)

10.梅冬州,“貨币升值與貿易順差:基于金融加速器效應的研究”,《世界經濟》2013年第4期。(“Currency appreciation and trade surplus”, World Economy, 2013.4)

11.梅冬州,“經常賬戶調整的福利損失”,《管理世界》2012年第4期。(第一作者)(“The welfare loss of current account adjustment”, Management World, 2012.4)

12.梅冬州,“開放真的導緻政府規模更大嗎?”,《經濟學(季刊)》2012年第12卷第1期。(第一作者)(“Do more open economies have bigger governments?”, China Economic Quarterly, 2012.vol.12:1)

13.梅冬州,“資産互持與經濟周期跨國傳遞”,《經濟研究》2015年第4期。(第一作者)(“Country portfolio and business cycle transmission”, Economic Research Journal, 2015.4)

14.孫瑾,“中國貨币政策和利率市場化研究——區分經濟結構的均衡分析”,《經濟研究》2015年第3期。(第三作者)(“Research on Chinese monetary policy and interest rate liberalization: Based on equilibrium analysis of economic structure”, Economic Research Journal, 2015.3)

15.張豔、唐宜紅、周默涵,“服務貿易自由化是否提高了制造業企業生産率?”《世界經濟》2013年第11期。(“Does services trade liberalization promote the productivity of manufactured firms?”, World Economy, 2013.11)

16.周世民,“生産補貼、出口激勵與資源錯置:微觀證據”,《世界經濟》2014年第12期。(第一作者)(“Production subsidies, export promotion and resource misallocation: Evidence from firm-level data”, World Economy, 2014.12)

17.周世民,“中國國内市場整合程度的演變:基于要素價格均等化的分析”,《世界經濟》2013年第1期。(第三作者)(“Is China going towards a unified market?”, World Economy, 2013.1)

18.周世民,“中國企業出口持續時間及其決定因素”,《經濟研究》2012年第7期。(第三作者)(“The duration of firm-destination export relationships: Evidence from China”, Economic Research Journal, 2012.7)

19.周世民,“貿易成本、企業出口動态與出口增長的二元邊際”,《經濟學(季刊)》2012年第4期。(第三作者) (“Trade costs, export dynamics, and dual margins of export growth: Evidence from China's micro-level export firms data (2000-2005)”, China Economic Quarterly, 2012.4)

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